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  • Writer's pictureSasha Job

yummy in my tummy | NOODLE BOWL

We love cooking and being in the kitchen, I admit more some days than others, but overall I like to cook and my kids like to help! We don't have many original recipes to share, but I thought food in general would be a fun "series" to add to our blog. Whether it's original recipes, recipes we love, or just the fun we have together making a meal!

To get started let's talk about noodle bowls. I actually came up with the idea to share this because every time I share Ruby eating a noodle bowl on instagram I end up getting several DMs asking for a recipe! The thing is, I don't have a recipe - I just wing it! Still, I've developed a sort of method and today I'm going to share it!

After Ruby came home we learned that she loved food and has a good appetite! Noodles were at the top of her list initially, she literally wouldn't eat anything else the first few days she was with me - just instant noodles breakfast, lunch, and dinner! After a few days she was likely getting used to me and started letting us in on the many foods she enjoys - including meats and veggies of all kinds! Once home I wanted to allow her to try all the new things while also giving her foods that would be a comfort and reminder of China. I didn't have a clue how to cook Chinese food, but I started playing around with noodle bowls and she has loved every single one! She also loves helping me by chopping the veggies and stirring the cooking food. It's the cutest thing when she takes a deep, sniffing breath in and let's out an "aaaahhh, mmmm" enjoying the smells of the cooking food!

Of course we made a video! We'd love for you to take a peek before reading on!

Isn't that fun! I always love it when I can take the time to have a kiddo helping and also be able to video document it! Now onto the noodle bowls!!!


We always start by chopping up all the veggies we're using. Unless, of course, we have some pre-chopped freezer packs - but that's another post! Basically you can use any combination of vegetables that you enjoy! Some of our favorites are: baby bok choy, mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, radishes, green onion, bok choy, broccoli, yellow squash, leeks, sweet peppers, green beans, sprouts, onions, water chestnuts, asparagus, baby corn, cauliflower, brussel sprouts ... you see where we're going here, we use a big variety of veggies! Our latest tries include eggplant and parsnips!! So far there's been only a few things Ruby turned her nose up at and for the most part she still ate it, the one exception was daikon - she left that one behind several times, so I stopped buying it!


Get your water boiling for your noodles.

*Honestly sometimes this and the next few steps are in different orders, it really depends on who I'm cooking for and what noodle I'm cooking. If it's a quick cooking noodle then I may wait until the veggies & protein are just about done ... if it's a noodle that takes a while then it's step 2! The kids don't mind cooled down noodles, and the hot veggies & protein DO warm them up! Just play around with it, that's what I've done, and you'll find a rhythm for how you like it to all happen.


Get your noodles cooking.


Heat oil over medium heat in a pan. We just use a frying pan in whatever size necessary, depending on if I'm making a single serving or cooking up noodle bowls for several of us. Our go to oil is sesame, but that's another thing I play around with. It depends on what overall flavor I'm going for and what flavors I'm adding in besides the oil. We also use extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and have used several different sauces including teriyaki, chili, oyster ... honestly I love going to the Asian foods aisle (or even better, an Asian market) and just choose something new to try.


Add the veggies into the heated oil/sauce! At this step I also add seasonings and other flavors. Garlic powder and onion powder are two of my kitchen stables and that rings true for noodle bowls, as well. I also love using fresh, jarred, or paste forms of garlic. I really like those little paste tubes and often use the ginger, too. Other seasonings/sides I use often include pepper, sesame seeds, seaweed flakes, five spice, etc. Cooking the veggies is the part I enjoy the most, something about the stirring and the delicious smell just makes me love it! I also admit that more often than not I'm making Ruby's lunch when I'm cooking up a noodle bowl and cooking for her is very rewarding, because she enjoys her food so much!!

Basically we're sauteing the veggies. This entire process is 100% customizable - continue to stir and cook until the veggies are to your liking (remembering to time it with step 6). We like them well cooked, but with that little bit of crispness and not soggy.


Add meat/protein to the veggies. When it comes to meat, we always use something that is already cooked - so basically you're just heating and flavoring the meat. For something quick, we use the julienne cut ham you can buy pre-packaged or carving board style ham that I slice up. I prefer to use something a little healthier, like leftovers from dinners (chicken, pork, beef roast, etc.), frozen shrimp, or an egg or two (hard boiled or just boiled - this would be cooked separately). We also occasionally use firm tofu that I chop into bite size pieces.


Put it all into a bowl & enjoy!!!


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