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So You're Gonna Homeschool | you got this!!

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

There's been a lot going on the last few months. Our world has changed and is looking a little different and that includes our schools, many of which will not be opening this upcoming school year. This has left parents scrambling and making some big decisions.

So, you've decided to homeschool? That's awesome and I'd like to share just a few simple tips with you so you can enjoy this time to the fullest!

Full disclosure: I'm not an expert and have no formal training of any kind. I am sharing simply from my own experiences over the past eight years as a homeschooling mama. I started homeschooling my oldest back in 2012 and over the years I have had anywhere from one to four kiddos being homeschooled (of my five). AND I'm not sharing because I've got it all figured out, these are as much reminders for myself for those days when the going is getting tough!!!

This is not meant to be extensive by any means, it's just a start. A jumping point and a bit of a pep talk, if you will. Five quick and easy tips to get you going. Are you ready? Here we go ...


"I could never homeschool". Aww, yes, the classic sentiment uttered by many a parent. But guess what, you can! Homeschooling may not be your preferred method of education. You may be doing it just to get through this weird time, with all intentions of sending your little cherubs back to school once it's open - and that's totally cool. But I want to empower you, look in the mirror and tell yourself: "I can do this. I can homeschool my children. It may be hard sometimes, but I can do this hard thing and I can do it well."


It sounds a little cliche, but it really is so true. Your kiddos are going to feed off of your energy, so make sure it's positive! And if you're thinking, "yeah right, easier said than done", I get it. Sometimes it will be easier said than done. Find yourself some little mantras and repeat as often as necessary to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind!


By far, homeschooling is "easier" to do if you have a plan. I'm a fly by the seat of my pants type of gal, but one thing's for sure - that doesn't always work out well for homeschooling. If you sit down to do a lesson only to realize there's a project that requires supplies you don't have, it can really "throw a wrench in your plans". I definitely recommend looking ahead, making some lesson plans, and being sure you have an idea of what you're doing each day.


Having a plan is important, but being ready to shift that plan may be even more important. Sometimes your kiddo needs a break or a reset; sometimes you do, too! Don't be afraid to push the lesson aside and declare, "it's time for recess in the backyard". Or perhaps you all just need a change of scenery? Maybe take story time outside, work on grammar at the park, or work on real life math by baking up something yummy!

Keep in mind that every kid is different. Some may long to dig in with their lessons and get everything done and others may need frequent breaks. You know your kid best. You'll also learn to know your child as a "homeschooler". One kid may need to have a dance break to get rid of energy, while another may need quiet time - you do what works for each child!


This is my number one "rule"! Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is more important than my relationships with my children. It's not worth fighting over math or getting into a power struggle over handwriting if it's going to damage our relationship! And yes, sometimes you just need to step away from schooling and do a little relationship reinforcement! A missed history lesson doesn't compare to a missed heart connection!

Homeschooling can be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen relationships and I believe everything I've mentioned plays into that. Know that you are capable, stay positive, have a plan, be ready to shift, and ultimately remember that the relationships come first!

Thank you so much for reading! If you have more specific questions, please leave them in the comments so I can work on part 2!!


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